Reading is easy. We sit in a comfortable chair, perhaps by a warm heater with cat on lap/dog at feet and a hot drink. That’s often why we read, to share vicariously the bad times and good with characters while
Quest for Fire

Reading is easy. We sit in a comfortable chair, perhaps by a warm heater with cat on lap/dog at feet and a hot drink. That’s often why we read, to share vicariously the bad times and good with characters while
Herbs have a long history of use, from pre written word days right up to the internet. They can add flavour, lifting a simple dish into one fit for royalty. So it is only fair to include them in your
Making bread is a labour intensive process, and your average travelling barbarian or quest obsessed elves and dwarves have other things on their minds. Today we are in the same mindset, for buying a loaf of bread ignores the efforts