It’s always a thrill to release a new book! My fantasy novel Wintersun is up for preorder and releases Oct 23rd, and my collection of fantasy stories is in all the ebook stores already. Both are 99c at the moment.
World Building: Law
How does the law affect characters in a novel?
World Building: Politics
How does politics fit into world building?
Christmas 2022
Lots of free reads for the holidays! Don’t hold back – and gift a friend.
World Building: Possessions
Possessions – do you own them, or do they own you? Tools or trophies? Status symbol or frippery? How people acquire and use or adore their possessions can tell the reader many things about the character – their background, current
World Building: Comfort
What brings comfort to characters? A world building blog for writers of scifi, fantasy, historical fiction and romance.
World Building: Games
How do games fit into a novel? A world building blog for writers of scifi, fantasy, romance and historical fiction.
World Building: Plants
How do plants enhance world building in a novel?
World Building: I’ll Drink to That
Alcohol – a world building blog for writers of scifi, fantasy, histfic and romance.
World Building: Hitchhiker bugs
Bugs travel with us.