Today I introduce Marie Lavender, a Midwestern USA writer and author of the recently released book, Directions of the Heart

What is your current project?

I am currently editing Blood Instincts, the second book of the Blood at First Sight Series. This is a futuristic paranormal romance/urban fantasy.

What are the hardest and easiest aspects of writing for you?

The easiest parts come whenever the muse is cooperating, when the words are flowing well in a scene and before I know it, I’ve produced a big chunk of the story. Let’s see…what is difficult? Action scenes can be challenging for me. They need to make sense, so I really have to picture what’s going on. It always helps to get a second opinion; to be sure it works well for a reader. Also, editing is difficult. I often take a break beforehand; that way I’m in the right mindset to be more critical toward my own work.

Who is your favourite hero and why?

Out of my books? That’s a tough one. I love them all! Right now, however, I’d probably side with Captain Grant Hill of the Heiresses in Love Series. He’s a fascinating man, and he just gets better with time, in my opinion. And the other one I can’t help but love? Jack from the novella ‘A Touch of Dawn’ in Directions of the Heart. He has a lot of hurdles to jump through to find his happy ending, but he more than deserves to find peace and contentment.

Who is your favourite heroine and why?

I still love Fara Bellamont from Upon Your Return. She also pops up in the other books in the series! With her romantic, dreamy side, I’m reminded a lot of myself at the age of eighteen.

Your current book is a modern romantic drama collection. Do you stray into other genres?

Of course! I am all over the place; that’s why I’m calling myself a multi-genre author. I’ve published historical romance, contemporary romance, romantic suspense, paranormal romance, fantasy, science fiction, mystery/thriller, dramatic fiction, literary fiction and poetry. With my works in progress (119…yikes!), my stories encompass those genres but also others like comedy, time travel, reincarnation themes, dystopian, horror, and even erotic romance. Though I may need a second pen name for that last genre. LOL!

You write a few different blogs. Can you tell us what they are all about?

Sure! I host Writing in the Modern Age, Marie Lavender’s Books! and the I Love Romance Blog. Writing in the Modern Age is a great blog for readers to find their new favorite authors, and for writers at any stage of their careers to look for inspiration and writing tips. We feature about 90+ guest authors per year, and among all of our different features (new release features and blog tour spotlights, cover reveals, author interviews, service interviews, character interviews, Author’s Bookshelf features, guest articles, poetry spotlights, as well as meg

a book giveaways), readers can find pretty much anything to their heart’s content. Feel free to subscribe!

Marie Lavender’s Books!, or the MLB blog, mostly features news about my work, but occasionally we run book spotlight interviews, author interviews and new release features for other authors. Recently, we started taking cat guest blog posts (from the perspective of an author’s house cat and what it’s like to be one).

On the I Love Romance Blog (ILRB), we focus on novels and relationships. We take guest posts about romantic relationships, as well as articles on romance writing, and we also feature new releases, cover reveals, blog tour spotlights, character interviews, romantic poetry spotlights, and pretty much anything related to our love of romance. There’s a great blog series called ‘What Does Romance Mean to Me?’. Additionally, we’re starting a new feature titled ‘Heroes & Heroines’, in which the romance author talks about a character who kept him or her up at night, whittling away at a certain book.

Don’t forget to subscribe to Writing in the Modern Age, as aforementioned, because we’re running a HUGE giveaway on September 15th. This covers all genres, so you’re bound to find something you like!

If you travelled in time, when would be your choice? Would you prefer magical or technological means of travel?

Ooh! I love time travel stories. I’m a Doctor Who fan. To me, the means of transportation doesn’t matter, as long as I get to experience the time period in question. I’d love to enjoy the Victorian era firsthand. However, certain modern amenities that we have now would be a problem. Like plumbing. I really like the convenience of a nice toilet, but I guess I’d have to scrap that idea in exchange for time travel, wouldn’t I? LOL.

What do you like to read, and has this changed over time?

I’d like to think that my tastes have evolved somewhat. I’m still a sucker for a good romance, but I try to keep my mind open to other possibilities.

What is the next project?

It’s a tie. I will either launch into first book of The Misfits Series, Chasing Ginger (a romantic comedy), or work on a paranormal romantic thriller collection titled Awakening. I’m just waiting for the muse to point me in the right direction.

People want to know more! Where can we buy the latest book and where are you on the internet?

Directions of the Heart can be found on most booksellers online, at Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Kobo.

You can also follow me via my author website, any of my blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, my Amazon author page, and also subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Additionally, I have a Youtube channel, if readers are interested in viewing my videos and book trailers.

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For those that have not read Druid’s Portal yet, here is a link to the first chapter DruidsPortal

Marie Lavender: Author interview
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