Today I introduce Catherine Castle, a United States writer and author of the recently released sweet romantic comedy book “A Groom for Mama.”

What is your current project?

I actually have 2 projects I’m working on when I get a chance: the plot for a book co-authored with my husband, and an inspirational Christmas romance.

A writing routine or inspiration? What works best for you?

Inspiration works best for me. When I’m excited about a project I make time for it. I’m an all in or all out writer, working to the muse’s tyranny of the urgent.

If you could go anywhere for your next holiday, where would it be and why?

I’d love to visit England, Scotland and Ireland, but my husband won’t leave the Continental USA until he’s seen everything here. So I won’t be visiting the British Isles anytime soon.

What has been the most surprising thing you have discovered since being a published author?

The amount of marketing an author is expected to do, and how much it takes to get your book noticed.

What has been the most exciting moment you have had in becoming an author?

Winning the RONE and the Beverly Hills Book Award for my inspirational romantic suspense, The Nun and the Narc.

How do you come up with the names for your characters?

That depends. Sometimes I want the name to fit the character, so I’ll search for just the right name. I wrote a whole book calling a character mother-in-law 2 because I couldn’t find the right name for her.  Sometimes the characters dictate their names. For example I named the heroine in The Nun and the Narc Sister Mary Margaret, but the hero kept calling her Maggie, so I had to switch the order of her names. Sometimes I just give the characters the first name that pops into my head and see if it sticks.

If you travelled in time, when would be your choice? Would you prefer magical or technological means of travel?

I’ve never really thought about this. In the stories (unpublished so far) I’ve written that involve time travel, the time travel method has been more magical, so maybe that’s my preference.

Do you belong to any groups that you find helpful?

I have a couple of critique groups that I belong to. They’re great not only for the technical help, but the camaraderie of being with people who know what you’re going through.

What is the next project?

If you ask my daughter, it’s sewing. She wants me to make some pants for her and has been patiently waiting for all the busyness of writing, editing, and promoting A Groom for Mama to die down. Then I’ve promised to work on the writing project with my husband.

People want to know more! Where can we buy the latest book and where are you on the internet?

You can get my sweet romantic comedy with a touch of drama, A Groom for Mama from Amazon.

And you can find me on the Internet at:
Catherine’s website:

Catherine’s blog:

Catherine’s Amazon author page:

Catherine’s Goodreads page:

Twitter:    @AuthorCCastle


Stitches Thru Time:

SMP authors blog site:

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Catherine Castle: author interview
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