Druid’s Portal has been selected as a finalist in the cover of the month competition at Books & Benches!

It is a great compliment to the artist Melody Pond (click here for her website).

I would appreciate it if you could vote – it is a once only vote, and there is no sign ups or later spamming.

Click the link to vote: Voting finished!

And a big thank you to everyone that has posted reviews of Druid’s Portal- much appreciated!

Well, best get back to some research and writing.

P.S. For anyone that hasn’t got their copy – I am donating 10% of June profits to the Robert E Howard Museum in appreciation for many years of entertaining reading from the creator of Conan. I doubt Druid’s Portal would be what it is without his influence!

Amazon link : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071LBLQ1G/?tag=geolinker-20

Druid’s Portal – cover competition
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