Something a bit different for this blog- it is part of a blog tour and competition, and we have an interview with young adult fantasy writer Jeanette O’Hagan.

Blog Tour and competition Details:

Opportunities to win:

Throughout the blog tour there will be many opportunities to win prizes.

Comment below

Comment below on this post (and on any of the posts in the Blood Crystal Blog Tour) – the best comment (in Jeanette’s opinion) will win a copy of Heart of the Mountain: a short novella.

Heart of the Mountain on Amazon

Scavenger Hunt

Blood Crystal Scavenger Hunt will run throughout the  Blood Crystal Blog Tour.  Each blog will have a reflection or memory related to themes within Blood Crystal – and a related question. The first person to answer all NINE questions right will win a $50 Amazon voucher. The runner up will receive copies of both Heart of the Mountain and the sequel Blood Crystal.

Follow each post on the blog tour to find the questions & list your answers in the comments on the final blog post of the tour on 28 July. There will also opportunities to win prizes at each blogspot.





Blog Tour Schedule

Wednesday 12 July – Jeanette O’Hagan, Jeanette O’Hagan Writes

Friday, 14 July – Paula Vince, The Vince Review

Saturday 15 July – Lynne Stringer, Lynne Stringer Author and Editor
Tuesday 18 July – Cindy Tomamichel

Wednesday 19 July The Write Flourish

Friday, 21 July – David Rawlings

Monday, 24 July – Adele Jones,

Wednesday, 26 July – Adam Collings

Friday, 28 July – Jeanette O’Hagan, Jeanette O’Hagan Writes

Clue for the Scavenger Hunt:

An excerpt from Druid’s Portal: The First Journey.

Trajan was glad when the moss was replaced by damp rock, crumbling and cracked with thick tree roots snaking down through the fractures from the surface. Chill trickles ran down the walls, and the tunnel went down further and deeper underground. What was this place? Trajan tried to speculate on its origin to take his mind off the increasing thickness of rock above him. He had seen a lot of old temples in his travels, and Rome itself was full of decayed buildings and hidden caverns. But entering a presumably forbidden temple made him uneasy. Who knew what powers remained, and he thought them unlikely to be friendly to the lone Roman invader.

He had never liked being underground, as a boy having to shame himself into exploring the catacombs below Rome, and now, the feeling of tons of black rock above him was oppressive. He squared his shoulders and continued. Janet needed him.

Question: What is Trajan’s secret fear?

Author Interview

Today I introduce Jeanette O’Hagan, an Australian writer and author of the recently released book “Blood Crystal”. 

What is your current project?

I’ve just released Blood Crystal – the sequel to Heart of the Mountain. Blood Crystal continues the adventures of the twins Retza and Delvina and shapeshifter Zadeki in their efforts to save the underground realm from certain destruction. I’m planning another two novellas in the Under the Mountain series.

What are the hardest and easiest aspects of writing for you?

The easiest aspect is conjuring up the stories and writing them down (or typing them). The hardest aspect is finding time to juggle all the different ‘hats’ an author wears these days, especially promotion.

What’s your favourite imaginary world that’s not your own?

There are so many wonderful imaginary worlds, so hard to narrow it down to one. I think probably Tolkien’s Middle Earth for its scope and grandeur, though Narnia and Pern and Earthsea and so many others fire the imagination too.

If you were stuck on a desert island for eternity and could only take one book, what would it be?

Would it be cheating to say a Kindle with solar powered batteries?

You write in fantasy. Do you stray into other genres?

Most of my stories are not only fantasy but also set in the world of Nardva. I have written a couple of contemporary short stories – and last year I wrote a sci-fi flash fiction which has grown into a trilogy, working title The Chameleon Protocols.

Name another author that you would recommend reading.

I’ve read so many good authors, it’s so hard to limit to one. Of course, there are the obvious – like Lewis, Tolkien, Asimov, McCaffrey, Le Guin, Gaiman etc but for more recent publications – I would say Marissa Meyer’s Lunar ChroniclesCinder, Scarlet, Cress and Winter. Brilliant.

If you travelled in time, when would be your choice? Would you prefer magical or technological means of travel?

If I was to travel in time, it would have to be with the TARDIS. As to where – maybe to the beginning of the cosmos, to see where it all started.

What do you like to read, and has this changed over time?

I love reading fantasy, science-fiction, historical fiction but also contemporary women’s and issue-based fiction (like Jodie Picoult), the classics, poetry and young adult books.  As a teen & in my early twenties – along speculative fiction, historical and the classics –  I read a lot of regency romances (Georgette Heyer), and mystery (Agatha Christie, Dorothy Sayers, the Bonny mysteries). I don’t mind romance and mystery (in fact both elements appear in my fantasy works), but I don’t read them as often these days

What is the next project?

I have three main areas at the moment – writing the sequel to Blood Crystal – working title Stone of the Sea, final edits on Akrad’s Children – the first novel in the Akrad’s Legacy series – and finishing the rough drafts on the cyborg trilogy.

People want to know more! Where can we buy the latest book and where are you on the internet?

My books are on Amazon and Draft2Digital

Blood Crystal on Amazon or

Blood Crystal at other outlets

You can Find me
Facebook Page





Websites Jenny’s Thread ( or Jeanette O’Hagan Writes (

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Blog tour: Jeanette O’Hagan
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14 thoughts on “Blog tour: Jeanette O’Hagan

  • July 25, 2017 at 14:13

    Thanks for the fun interview Cindy and Jenny. Great to get to know you more Jenny. I’ve just reserved myself a copy of Marissa Meyer’s first book in that series you recommended 🙂 Loved your answer about taking a kindle to a desert island, classic!

    • July 25, 2017 at 17:39

      Thanks Linsey – Kindles are great for trips, as long as the battery is charged 🙂 Love to hear what you think of Cinder, I think you will enjoy. I’m looking forward to reading Cindy’s book Druid Portal – Roman Britain and the premise is fascinating. Thanks for dropping by 🙂

  • July 19, 2017 at 15:59

    Thanks for the interview, Cindy and Jenny. Authors certainly do have to wear a number of different hats these days. I wonder what Tolkien and Lewis would have thought about that 🙂 I too would be quite happy for some time on a deserted island with a battery powered kindle.

    • July 19, 2017 at 16:15

      Hi Paula – the deserted part does seem tempting with so many demands on our time and attention – and taking a Kindle would be like taking a small library with us – bliss.

  • July 19, 2017 at 13:10

    When I dropped my eleven-year-old son off at school this morning I saw two boys about the same age sitting down with a copy of Lord of the Rings, in the middle of a deep conversation about it. That made me smile.

  • July 18, 2017 at 16:54

    Thanks Cindy and Jenny. Interesting interview. I used to think I wasn’t into sci-fi and fantasy as much as other genres, but I think that was just because I hadn’t found the right ones. Really loved the Lunar Chronicles series . Also love a lot of Philip K. Dick’s work. I’ve read a number of your fantasy stories, including Heart of the Mountain and Blood Crystal, which I really enjoyed. But I’m really looking forward to seeing what you do with your sci-fi series. Your volume of output is amazing. Good luck with it all.

    • July 18, 2017 at 17:09

      Thanks Nola – I love that you enjoying fantasy and sci-fi more. It is a wide field. I think I’ll have to explore Phillip K Dick’s stories, somehow I missed him along the way. And, yes, the Lunar Chronicles were a fantastic read. I’m really enjoying writing the cyborg stories – the short story they’re based on should be out this year, and then maybe the trilogy in the second half of 2018. It’s possible.

  • July 18, 2017 at 15:08

    I liked this, interview. Very interesting questions and responses. Answer to the question about Trajan’s secret fear: it’s either claustrophobia (fear of being in a small space) or cleistrophobia (fear of being trapped), or a combination of both.

    • July 18, 2017 at 15:18

      Thanks Judith 🙂 It was fun answering Cindy’s questions. Don’t forget to check out the other stops for the Scavenger Hunt 🙂

    • July 18, 2017 at 09:05

      Thanks S A Gibson. And thanks Cindy for the opportunity to talk about writing and my books.

    • July 18, 2017 at 09:06

      Thanks for stopping by

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