Today I introduce Ramcy Diek, a Dutch author writing in English, her debut time travel romance novel “Storm at the Keizer Manor” released in November 2017.

What is your current project?

First a little snippet about myself: Thirty years ago, I fell in love with the United States while traveling around in an Oldsmobile station-wagon with my husband. We are both born and raised in the Netherlands. Together, we visited all the amazing northern states and landed in California where we got stuck for five years.

Eventually, we found our way to the Pacific Northwest. We built up our business and raised our boys into amazing young adults with their own careers. During this time, I made a slow transition from reader to writer of contemporary, enjoyable, laid back, and romantic stories.

Right now, I’m working on my second novel, Eagle in Flight, and hope to publish it in November 2019.

Who are your favorite fictional couple and why?
That’s difficult. All I can come up with are Forrest and Annet, or Alexander and Annet. The fictional couples from my debut novel. J The why is probably obvious? When I finished my book, it was so hard to leave them behind.

What’s the craziest thing you have googled in the name of research?
The last thing I researched on google that is kind of weird was “construction noise”. I was surprised there was little information about it.

What authors influenced your writing?
I would say that was Sidney Sheldon. In my late teens, he was my favourite author, and I think he still is. Maybe because he writes about capable and strong women. The kind of woman I like to be, and write about.

What’s the best writing advice you have heard?
Although this is not only related to writing, I would say it’s probably my father’s advice “to always finish what you start. If you don’t, you will never accomplish anything.” Besides all the support from my editor, his words were probably what gave me the final push to self-publish my first novel.

If you travelled in time, when would be your choice? Would you prefer magical or technological means of travel?
If I had the choice of time traveling myself, I would like to do it in a technological way, so you know how to return. J I would prefer to travel to the future. The past always seems gloomy to me.

If you could go anywhere for your next holiday, where would it be and why?
My favorite vacation is traveling through the United States and Canada with our motorhome. I love the feeling of the open road. After we retire, I would like to ship our camper to Australia and explore every corner.

How did you come up with character names?
In my debut novel the protagonists are Forrest and Annet. When I was pregnant in 1994 I wanted to name my son Forrest, but then the movie Forrest Gump came out and I changed my mind. Annet is the name of my cousin who died far too you from cancer.
Last names I randomly find in the phonebook. They are not important to me.

What is the next project?
My next project is my second novel Eagle in Flight, about a young woman who gets tricked into marrying a gay man.

People want to know more! Where can we buy the latest book and where are you on the internet?

Website: I’m busy as a business woman, writing reviews, and working on my novels. Therefore I choose not to have a blog.



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Author interview: Ramcy Diek
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One thought on “Author interview: Ramcy Diek

  • January 11, 2018 at 12:49

    I’d like to travel to the past if I could be one of the people who got to wear the luxurious gowns and eat bonbons. Not so sure I’d enjoy being one of the downtrodden peasants.

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