Today I introduce Madelyn Hill, an American writer and fellow Soul Mate author of the recently released Highland Wild Thistle series (Faith and Hope) and the upcoming book “Highland Honour”.

What is your current project?

Highland Honor (Book 3 of the Wild Thistle Trilogy) is in the hands of the editor. I’ll give you the pitch line: She heals. He wars.

Plotter or pantser? How do your novels come together?

I am really a panster. I get an idea do some research, do a quick character sketch and just start typing. However, there are definitely points in the story where I have to do some plotting. But the plotting is bits and piece. For example, at the end of a scene or chapter I will say Character 1 needs to do this and react this way, Character 2 needs to do this and instigate this.

If you could go anywhere for your next holiday, where would it be and why?

Hands down, Scotland!!!

What has been the most surprising thing you have discovered since being a published author?

The business side of writing. Today, authors are expected to do most if not all of their promotion and marketing. There is always something that needs to be done. Since I’m a techie, I have creating some ways to help cross promote with one post and use crowd promoting services as well.

What has been the most exciting moment you have had in becoming an author?

Of course the publish date of my first book, but when the book arrived in paperback format- it was exhilarating!

How do you come up with the names for your characters?

For the main characters the names seem to just pop into my head. For secondary characters I tend to search sites for historical names and names specific to the culture.

If you travelled in time, when would be your choice? Would you prefer magical or technological means of travel?

Even though I love technology, I think it would be more fun to travel magically. Twinkling my nose, jumping on a broom, or the swish of a wand.

Name 5 fictional characters you would invite to a dinner party.

Hmmm. This is tough! I think I’d start with Elizabeth Bennet (Pride & Prejudice), Kit (Witch of Black Bird Pond), Jamie (Outlander), Father Timothy Kavanagh (Mitford Series), Claire (Garden Spells)

What is the next project?

My next project is a new series set in the Regency time period and the intrepid Lady Eugena. She’s smart, feisty, a little too tall for fashion, and solves mysteries alongside an interloper of the ton, American Sebastian Paxton.


People want to know more! Where can we buy the latest book and where are you on the internet?

Amazon Author Page:





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Madelyn Hill: author interview
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4 thoughts on “Madelyn Hill: author interview

  • October 10, 2017 at 10:20

    Thanks for continually shedding light on worthy authors!

  • October 7, 2017 at 06:59

    Great post! I’d also love to travel magically…Just wave a magic wand and presto!

    • October 8, 2017 at 01:31

      Sometimes right before a long trip, I think damn – why can’t I be Jennie or Tabitha?

  • October 7, 2017 at 05:59

    Thank you for hosting me!

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