Today I introduce C H Clepitt, a British writer and author of the recently released book “Everything is Better With a Cape”.

What is your current project?

My current solo project is a fantasy book designed to tie in with The Book of Abisan. The working title is “The Smuggler’s Daughter”. I have posted the first two chapters on Newsnibbles, so if you are interested in having a sneak peek –

A writing routine or inspiration? What works best for you?

I don’t really have time for a “routine”, as I work full time, and have to do boring stuff like eating and sleeping and the like, so it’s more stolen moments here and there. I do OK though, and have quite a few books and stories already released.

What has been the most surprising thing you have discovered since being a published author?

That people actually want to read my books and enjoy them! That always amazes and thrills me. I love hearing from readers who tell me that they enjoyed one of my books, it makes it all worthwhile.

What is your favourite imaginary world that’s not your own?

That’s a tough one. I like worlds I can completely immerse myself in, and that means a lot of building. So I like the Akurite Empire built by Samuel Z Jones, even more so now I’m working with him, as I actually get to play in it! I also really liked the sort of “future world” that we had a brief glimpse into in Jill by Rose Montague. I really hope we get to explore it more in further books.

Is there a book (fiction or non-fiction) you would recommend writers should read?

Every writer should get a good grounding in the classics. You don’t have to like them, but you should definitely read them, you’ll be a better writer for it.

If you travelled in time, when would be your choice? Would you prefer magical or technological means of travel?

If I were going to travel in time, I would first want a machine to make me a man, and second I would need to be rich. That is the only way you would get to experience anything safely. Then I’d explore all the eras, talk to people, find out their thoughts and passions. I’d meet all the great writers and talk to them, I’d love it. I wouldn’t mind if it was magic or tech, as long as whatever it was I had complete control of it.

Name 5 fictional characters you would invite to a dinner party.

Jade Smith, Nobody Owens, Susan Trinder, Ned Sprinks and Lidia Bennett. That should make for some interesting dinner conversation. Now, who can tell me where they all appear? Post a comment below!

Why do you write in multiple genres? What about it appeals to you?

I write across multiple genres as I don’t like labels. My stories include elements of all sorts of genres, so are really hard to pin down. I like to think that if you like one of my stories, you will likely like all of them, and the one thing they all have in common is the writing style, and witty authentic characters and character interaction.

What is the next project?

I am currently working on a project with prolific fantasy author Samuel Z Jones. We are writing serial fantasy fiction (basically a soap opera with magic) which will be released in a quarterly magazine. To find out more check out

People want to know more! Where can we buy the latest book and where are you on the internet?

They do? Well, gorsh… OK, so, all my books are available on Kindle if you search C H Clepitt, and if you prefer paper you can get them on If you want a signed copy you can contact me through my website.


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C. H. Clepitt: author interview
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